CS 340 Project 1 Michael Leonhard, 2005/09/08 Java on Windows XP KeyGen.java This is program 1. It is a key generator program. It writes keys in XML format. The primary data structures in the class consist of several pieces of private data. Filenames of the public and private keys are stored here: private String M_pubkeyFilename private String M_privkeyFilename Integer values used in the key creation process are also stored here. The P and Q values are obtained from the command line. If not present on the command line, the user is prompted to enter them. The other values are obtained from (P,Q) through various algorithms. private int M_p; private int M_q; private int M_n; private int M_phi; private int M_e; private int M_d; RsaCipher.java This program reads a key file and an input file and encrypts or decrypts the input file, writing the result to an output file. Like KeyGen.java, data is stored in private class data fields. File names: private String M_inFilename private String M_outFilename private String M_keyFilename These values are read from the key file: private int M_n private int M_e private int M_d The operation (encrypt or decrypt) is stored in this variable private int M_operation static int OPERATION_ENCRYPT = 0 static int OPERATION_DECRYPT = 1 TException.java class is used as a generic description carrying exception. It is used by KeyGen.java and RsaCipher.java to report errors.